On June 17, the FDA updated its emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to include use in children under age five, down to as young as six months old.
According to the FDA's decision memorandum outlining the rationale behind this
move, the benefits of vaccinating children this young outweigh the risks.
I'm sure it will come as no surprise to many of my readers that this document is characterized by scientific fraud. However, what is shocking even to me is just how brazenly the FDA is now perpetrating scientific fraud in service to the pharmaceutical industry.
The decision memorandum is riddled with examples of a willful intent to mislead the public.
For example, the FDA asserts that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is a "zoonotic coronavirus".
But the FDA knows that the zoonotic origin hypothesis has not been proven and that the plausible alternative hypothesis of a lab origin exists. The FDA knows that the US government funded the research done at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that is hypothesized to have
resulted in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2. Hence, the FDA willfully lies that scientists know that the virus evolved in nature.
For another example, the FDA states that cases and deaths fell sharply in early 2021 after it first issued EUAs for COVID-19 vaccines, but that there were resurgences later on due to people's failure to adhere to the recommendations of "public health" officials, including the recommendation to get vaccinated.
But the FDA knows that the falling trend in cases that followed the first EUA issuances could not possibly have been caused by vaccination. The FDA knows that the downward trend began when statistically "0.0%" of Americans had
been fully vaccinated. Even Anthony Fauci admitted at the time that the falling case numbers couldn't have been due to the vaccines.
The FDA also knows that the vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission, and that vaccinated people also contributed to community spread during the subsequent epidemic waves, but it is content to willfully mislead people to the conclusion that it was vaccines that caused the drop in cases in early 2021 and that vaccinated people did not contribute to the subsequent waves of infection.
The FDA's decision to authorize the Pfizer vaccine for infants and toddlers was emphatically not evidence-based. On the contrary, the FDA's
memorandum consists of a petitio principii fallacy, which is circular reasoning or "begging the question". This fallacy entails presuming the proposition to be proven in the premise.
In short, the FDA concluded that the benefits of vaccination will outweigh the risks based on the assumption that the vaccine will be effective for preventing severe COVID-19, hospitalization, and death among infants and toddlers.
The FDA made that assumption in the absence of evidence that the vaccination of such young children would prevent those outcomes.
I'm working on a paper detailing the FDA's scientific fraud. As always, it will be fully referenced so anyone can check my sources and verify the truth of what I'm saying.
In the meantime, I'll be sending you email newsletters briefly summarizing key points. The next series of newsletters I'll be sending will be focused on how the FDA exaggerated the risks posed to infants and toddlers from COVID-19.
The FDA is not even pretending to do science anymore and instead is content to perpetrate blatant scientific fraud in furtherance of the policy goal of vaccinating as much of the population as possible.
If the mainstream media did
journalism, everyone in the country would know that the FDA's authorization consists of scientific fraud. Everyone would understand that the FDA has no credibility. Instead, the media mindlessly parroted the demonstrably false declarations from the FDA that its risk-benefit analysis was "robust", "thorough", and "comprehensive".
So, it is up to us to get the truth out and help awaken those who have been deluded by dangerous state propaganda to the reality of the situation. If we want to help make the world a better place and protect the health and freedom of future generations, we all need to do what we can to educate ourselves and share empowering knowledge with others.
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While I'm very grateful to those who have contributed, my work will not be sustainable if I can't start regularly meeting my monthly fundraising goals again, which hasn't been the case since February. If you have the means and would like to make a financial contribution:
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Jeremy R. Hammond
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