As you may have noticed, I haven’t published any articles or sent out newsletters for a while. That’s because, heading into 2025, I’ve been focused on tackling a backlog of tasks and projects that have been piling up.
The Bigger Picture
I see a serious problem in our society: people’s minds are being poisoned by deceitful political propaganda. They believe untruths and, as a result, make choices that maintain the status quo of criminal violence and suppression of liberty.
This is why I do what I do. I started exposing US government lies back in 2002–2003, before the Iraq War, warning that there was no evidence Iraq had WMDs. More recently, we saw society fall into a mass psychosis with the lockdown regime and its coerced mass vaccination endgame.
Some people are so entrenched in their views that no amount of facts or logical reasoning will change their minds. We can plant seeds and hope they take root someday, but we can’t waste our energy on those who refuse to see.
Instead, we need to focus on those who are capable of honest self-reflection—people who genuinely want to know the truth but have been misled by government-approved disinformation. These are the people we must reach. And we must also strengthen our own immunity to propaganda.
What I’m Building for You
That’s why I’m creating a system to train news consumers in research and analytical skills, equipping them to navigate media without being deceived.
At first, that might sound like a daunting challenge, but the good news is that anyone can learn these skills. The more you practice, the easier and faster it becomes. But like any worthwhile endeavor, it requires effort—you have to put in the time.
To make that possible, the first step in my process will be helping you develop productivity skills to get more done in less time. That way, you’ll have time to invest in learning how to discern truth from lies.
For me to deliver this at the highest level, I need to streamline my workflow, eliminate inefficiencies, and tackle other pressing priorities. This means deprioritizing writing for a while—but in the long run, it will enable me to better serve you.
My Major Goals for 2025
🧹 Optimize my workflow—get better organized and resolve inefficiencies.
💻 Launch my website’s membership program—offering free access to featured articles and extra benefits for paid members.
💬 Build a members-only self-hosted community—a place to sharpen our critical thinking skills and focus on real-world problem-solving.
📈 Create an online productivity course—so you can get more done in less time (freeing up time for 👇).
📰 Create a course on how to analyze news media—teaching you the skills to separate journalism from propaganda.
💡 If you value the work I do and want to help make my vision a reality, you can support my independent journalism here:
👉 Support Truly Independent Journalism
I want to do more than just expose propaganda—I want to empower others to do it for themselves. Basically, I’m aiming to put myself out of a job! 😆
Kidding aside, I also plan to develop a journalism course down the road. Some of you who take my news consumer course may feel compelled to start creating informative content of your own. When that time comes, I want to be there to guide and encourage you, sharing what I’ve learned on my own journey.
How You Can Support This Work
This is why I haven’t been publishing as much lately—I’ve had to reallocate my research and writing time to make these projects happen.
But here’s the challenge: My work has been largely dependent on one-time donations, and when I’m not producing content, those slow down.